Recognizing Competence In Malpractice Cases
While many legal malpractice cases can be traced to overbilling, or ethical breaches, lawyers can also harm clients by accepting cases that are beyond their competency level. Some lawyers genuinely want to serve their clients and are fearful if they reject a case, because they are not competent to handle it, they will lose the client relationship. But lawyers should not accept cases they cannot competently handle. And when lawyers accept cases beyond their experience, they do not know what they do not know. This ignorance can lead to devastating consequences for the client.
At Klein & Wilson, we have extensive experience providing exceptional client service to victims of legal malpractice. Our experience handling all types of business litigation and legal malpractice cases gives us a unique ability to determine whether an attorney fell below the standard of care.
Fighting Malpractice By Firms Of All Sizes
Whether the negligent lawyer is from a small firm, or a large firm, Klein & Wilson is ready to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve after being damaged by legal malpractice. Klein & Wilson‘s experience and tenacity in legal malpractice litigation has led to recovery of millions of dollars for its clients.
Sometimes clients lose because the trial attorney was unprepared, or unqualified to handle a matter. When trial attorneys accept matters they are not competent to handle, a trial usually ends in disaster for that attorney’s client. Likewise, some attorneys accept more cases than they can competently handle and they go to trial unprepared.
In one case, Klein & Wilson won a $6 million legal malpractice jury verdict against one of the largest law firms in the world, resulting in a final award of almost $10 million.
If you fear that your lawyer was practicing outside areas of competency, contact our firm.
To reach our experienced attorneys about legal malpractice matters call 949-239-0907, or contact the firm by email.