When lawyers make mistakes, clients can suffer
Legal malpractice of any kind can leave clients financially drained and unsure of their options. If you believe that an attorney has injured you, find out if you have a case by contacting Klein & Wilson at 949-239-0907 or at www.kleinandwilson.com.
Transcript: GERALD KLEIN: Sometimes lawyers make mistakes, and clients get injured. MARK WILSON: Most attorneys treat their clients fairly and give them honest bills. But unfortunately, there are some attorneys who cheat their clients. And they pad their bills. They add time. Or they add tasks that simply were never performed. GERALD KLEIN: Legal malpractice and overbilling often go hand in hand. Sometimes, sloppy practice leads to billing irregularities, and when billing gets excessive, clients need help. MARK WILSON: Most law firms are not willing to handle legal malpractice cases, because they’re worried that their peers will shun them. We take a different view of that, and we look at these cases from the client’s perspective. And if a client has been injured by the former attorney, we’re willing to represent that client against the law firm. GERALD KLEIN: Mark Wilson and I are not afraid to sue other attorneys. We recognize that when clients are injured, someone must represent them. MARK WILSON: The California State Bar does not have the time or resources to investigate legal malpractice. Gerry and I feel a sense of satisfaction when we’re able to help a client resolve their problems with their former counsel, and if necessary, file a legal malpractice case to get that client justice. GERALD KLEIN: Legal malpractice is complicated. If you believe that an attorney has injured you or committed malpractice, give us a call, and we’ll tell you if we think you have a case. MARK WILSON: Most legal malpractice cases will settle before trial. But some do not, and Gerry Klein and I have both tried legal malpractice cases to verdict. Our opponents know that. They know that we’re willing and capable to try these cases to verdict, and that helps get the maximum recovery for our clients.