Experienced counsel for business disputes
When a business partnership needs to end, it is very complex, but Klein & Wilson knows how to present these cases to juries in accessible, easy-to-understand ways. Find out how they can help; contact the firm at 949-239-0907 or at www.kleinandwilson.com.
Transcript: GERALD KLEIN: Partnerships, and other business relationships, are much like marriage. It’s a lot easier to get into them than get out of them. They often involve huge amounts of money and a long history of transactions. If you find yourself in a relationship that’s not doing well, or that you think it’s going to end, you need to contact an attorney right away. Our firm has handled a wide range of business disputes and taken them to trial. In one case, we recovered $26 million for our client in a multimedia trial presentation. We’re ready to take on any size case you might have. Juries often have a difficult time understanding partnership disputes, business disputes, and sophisticated transactions. Our firm has the experience of being able to take very complicated concepts and make them easy for juries to understand.