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Gerald Klein Selected to 2020 Edition of “Best Lawyers in America”

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2019 | Firm News

We are pleased to announce that our partner Gerald Klein has been selected for inclusion in the 26th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America for his work in Commercial Litigation, Litigation – Intellectual Property and Litigation – Real Estate.

Recognition by Best Lawyers is based entirely on peer review. Their methodology is designed to capture, as accurately as possible, the consensus opinion of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical area and legal practice area.

Best Lawyers employs a sophisticated, conscientious, rational, and transparent survey process designed to elicit meaningful and substantive evaluations of the quality of legal services. Their belief has always been that the quality of a peer review survey is directly related to the quality of the voters.

Attorneys recognized by Best Lawyers have been in practice for at least 10 years to ensure they have built a legal presence in their community and practice areas.

Congratulations to Gerald!

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