In September, we told you about a contract dispute in Napa, California, over the awarding of a contract to build a new $1.44 million skate park. The city decided to hold off on awarding the contract to California Skateparks because of legal battles the company was dealing with. There were allegations that the company had asked competitors to bid high on a skate park project in Los Angeles so that they could bid low enough to get the contract awarded to them. This resulted in a lawsuit filed against California Skateparks, which was eventually settled for $65,000.
The litigation history involving California Skateparks was not disclosed in the Napa application for the new skate park, and the city doesn’t research ongoing or previous litigation before awarding a contract.
On Nov. 19, the contract for the complex was awarded to California Skateparks. It is expected that the project will be completed by Oct. 2014. According to the manager for Napa’s city parks, trees and facilities, the company came highly recommended by other public agencies who had contracted with California Skateparks in the past.
The mayor of Napa was pleased that the city’s staff had shown due diligence in their research to ensure that the project would be of high quality. She said, “It looks like we will have a cutting-edge skate park.
The exact location of the new skate park isn’t decided yet, but it will be somewhere in Kennedy Park. It’s possible that the planning stage of the complex could begin in December.
There is always the possibility of construction litigation in any project like this one. It’s always best to thoroughly vet a company before entering into any contract. Business law attorneys can help navigate the complex world of construction contract and protect a company’s interests if there is a dispute.
Source:, “$1.44 million contract awarded for skate park” Chantal M. Lovell, Nov. 19, 2013