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Mark B. Wilson Certified as a Specialist in Legal Malpractice Law

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2018 | Firm News, Legal Malpractice

Mark B. Wilson has been certified as a specialist in legal malpractice law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.

The State Bar of California program for certifying legal specialists is a California Supreme Court approved method of certifying attorneys as specialists in eleven specialty areas of law: Admiralty & Maritime Law; Appellate Law; Bankruptcy Law; Criminal Law; Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law; Family Law; Franchise and Distribution Law; Immigration & Nationality Law; Legal Malpractice Law; Taxation Law; and Worker’s Compensation Law. Attorneys are certified through a process which includes successful passage of a written examination, completion of specific tasks in the specialty area, attendance at a prescribed number of approved education programs, and peer review.

For more information, you can call the offices of Klein & Wilson at 949-239-0907.


