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Understanding construction defects

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2015 | Construction Litigation

California residents might benefit from understanding more about the different types of construction defects that commonly occur. Most construction defects may be classified as subsurface deficiencies, construction deficiencies, material deficiencies or design deficiencies. These defects may be described as shortcomings furnishing the planning, design, inspection, supervision, construction or observation of construction when there is a quality of work that is beneath the buyer’s reasonable expectations.

Some of the significant defects that are common include those concerning finishes, doors, glass and windows, moisture or thermal protection, electrical problems, mechanical problems, expansive soil, water intrusion or poor structural integrity. Subsurface deficiencies are common in places like Colorado and California where expansive soil may be a problematic. Building homes on surfaces lacking a stable foundation, such as hills, may cause several different problems, including subsidence or landslides. A poor foundation may also result in cracked floor slabs or other damage to the structure.

Poor artisanship or construction work can also result in a myriad of defects. Often times, mold growth may be the result of water infiltration caused by shoddy work. Other common defects caused by poor construction include rotting wood, cracked walls or foundation, and mechanical or electrical problems. Material deficiencies usually involve inferior structures like leaking windows, substandard drywall or other components used in construction that are failing. Design defects, such as the building being out of code, are issues typically attributable to architects or engineers.

People who need more information about litigating a construction defect case might benefit from consulting a lawyer. Legal counsel may be able to investigate the complaint and determine who might be found culpable for any economic damages. The lawyer might be able to help plaintiffs recover restitution that could account for loss of income and other damages resulting from the construction work.

