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Case Results: Employment Law

Below is a list of some of the cases the firm has handled, not a complete list, and is not a guaranty of future results.

Doe v. Roe Corporation (Case Confidential)
$2.8 Million

Klein & Wilson represented the chief financial officer (CFO) of an international corporation that abruptly terminated the CFO in violation of his employment agreement.  Before filing a lawsuit, Klein & Wilson negotiated a $2.8 million settlement for the CFO.

Doe v. Roe Corporation

Klein & Wilson represented the former chief executive officer of a major corporation.  The major corporation had failed to live up to numerous provisions of a post-employment agreement.  After three days of arbitration, the defendant agreed to pay all the money Klein & Wilson‘s client requested, totaling over $500,000.

John Doe v. AMMCO Holdings, LLC
$250,000 (Binding Arbitration)

AMMCO hired Klein & Wilson‘s client to be its president and gave him the impossible task of turning the company around in short order, even though the company’s accounting department was incompetent and years of sloppy corporate culture permeated every department.  Klein & Wilson‘s client made great strides in improving quality control and repairing damaged customer relationships.  Nevertheless, AMMCO’s board abruptly terminated the client for “cause” after a disgruntled employee complained about his management style.  Consequently, AMMCO refused to pay the severance set forth in the employment agreement and other wages, on the ground that the “for cause” termination justified its decision.
Klein & Wilson persuaded AMMCO to submit the case to binding arbitration which saved Klein & Wilson‘s client thousands of dollars in fees and costs.  At the binding arbitration, Klein & Wilson proved its client met AMMCO’s stated objectives and there was no “cause” justifying the client’s termination.  The arbitrator awarded Klein & Wilson‘s client the entire severance payment requested, plus vacation pay, penalties, expert witness fees, interest, costs, and all of Klein & Wilson‘s attorneys’ fees.

American Reprographics Company v. Brazo
American Reprographics Company v. Crisp Enterprises, Inc.
Klein & Wilson‘s client was accused of raiding plaintiff’s business and hiring away approximately 50 employees, as well as soliciting dozens of customers who had formerly used plaintiff as a reprographics service.  This case could have destroyed Klein & Wilson‘s client, which had grown dramatically until the lawsuit.  Klein & Wilson was able to find insurance coverage for the client and was instrumental in achieving a settlement that saved the company and helped it move forward on its tremendous growth.

Cisco Sales Corporation v. Price Point Mail Order, Ltd.

Klein & Wilson represented a corporation and an executive in a claim by plaintiff that the executive stole trade secrets and used them to benefit his new employer.  After Klein & Wilson completed the deposition of the plaintiff’s chief executive officer, the plaintiff decided to settle the case on terms that were extremely favorable for Klein & Wilson‘s client.

Doe v. Roe Corporation
Klein & Wilson represented an employer in a wage and hour class action.  Recognizing the devastation these claims can have on employers, Klein & Wilson aggressively fought plaintiff’s efforts to certify a class and succeeded.  Frustrated by Klein & Wilson‘s success, plaintiff’s counsel decided against making additional efforts to certify a class and agreed to settle the single plaintiff’s claim.  As a part of the settlement, Klein & Wilson obtained a representation and warranty from plaintiff’s counsel that: (1) he had not shared information regarding the lawsuit with other lawyers or any past or present employees of Klein & Wilson‘s client; and (2) he would never sue Klein & Wilson‘s client again.

Doe v. Roe Corporation
Klein & Wilson represented an employer accused of sexual discrimination.  Klein & Wilson elicited testimony from plaintiff that before she was fired, the client legitimately reprimanded her for violating company policies, damaging company property, and treating customers poorly.  Moreover, plaintiff admitted the alleged sexual discrimination ended immediately after plaintiff complained about it and the client took action.  Finally, Klein & Wilson obtained testimony from plaintiff’s new employer that it also reprimanded plaintiff because customers complained about her bad attitude.  Subsequently, plaintiff quit her new job because she lost her driver’s license, making her ineligible for further employment with Klein & Wilson‘s client.  Needless to say, plaintiff substantially reduced her initial $1 million demand, and Klein & Wilson settled the case.

Doe Corporation v. Roe Corporation

Klein & Wilson represented a corporation sued by a plaintiff claiming the corporation owed plaintiff a 30 percent interest in the company as well as employment for five years at $100,000 per year.  Plaintiff’s settlement demand was $5 million.  The corporation hired Klein & Wilson just two weeks before trial.  Klein & Wilson persuaded the court to continue the trial.  Klein & Wilson then took plaintiff’s deposition by videotape, during which Klein & Wilson impeached plaintiff many times.  Subsequently, Klein & Wilson persuaded plaintiff to attend a mediation.  At the mediation, Klein & Wilson used a multimedia presentation showing how badly Klein & Wilson impeached the plaintiff.  The case settled at mediation for only $60,000.

Saad v. Gilchrist
(Defense Verdict)

Mr. Klein represented the former president of a software company on a breach of guarantee case.  At the conclusion of plaintiff’s case, Mr. Klein moved for a defense verdict.  The court entered judgment for Mr. Klein’s client.

STM Wireless, Inc. v. Aljaff

Klein & Wilson represented a technology company that believed its former employee stole trade secrets.  The employee contended he had been treated unfairly.  Klein & Wilson achieved a favorable settlement for the client, which resolved all employment and trade secret issues.